green, cold green

Today is the first day from a very long time that i'm without my car... I had to pass through the park. Green. Cold green, no sun. I had forgot that it's spring already. I sensed the smell of freesh cut grass. I almost forgot where I was... then the street musician. I just remembered how nice that park was. My fave* place to stay and watch the skaters... The park was so clean... never seen it like this after the rain. Minute after I hear the car traffic again. Another street musician. I bought sky blue scarf to remind me of your curls.

So many pictures and still don't have what to share...

2 коментара:

vase said...

мисля че е крайно време да минеш на скейт.. стига с това замърсяване на въздуха :Р

pure pleasure seeker said...

hahahah lud!!! da da 6te se nau4aa!
